Can Philippine’s Largest Telco Company Globe Deliver on Its High Growth Prospects?

- Home broadband expansion offers solid top-line driver
- New entrant Dito challenges previous Filipino duopoly
- Investment in mobile payments could pay off big
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Globe Telecom’s revenue breakdown 2021
Share price rally could come to an end based on technical signals
- In August 2021, Globe saw a massive 50%+ share price increase
- The increase is mainly attributable to positive news about its latest fintech investment “Mynt”
- The 50 DMA stayed well above the 200 DMA but it seems like that it is about to fall
- Volume RSI has been weak recently; hence, does not provide any support
Home broadband expansion offers solid top-line driver
- In 9M21, Glove recognized 3.7m broadband subscribers, which is an 85% increase compared to 2019
- The rapid increase was attributable to its accelerated rollout of fiber
- In 2021, it reached 1.4m additional households with its fiber network
- Currently, revenue from broadband makes up 20% of its service revenue
Heavy investments required to stay ahead of competition
- As disposable income rises in the Philippines, I expect households to have both a fixed broadband connection at home as well as mobile connections for family members
- Therefore, mobile operators must extend their network coverage
- Accelerating expansion is necessary to avoid losing market share
New entrant Dito challenges previous Filipino duopoly
- In March 2021, the China-backed company Dito started its commercial operations
- Throughout the past year, it already acquired 5.3m subscribers
- Annual CAPEX of more than PHP50bn to expand network coverage fast
- For 2022, Dito targets to double its subscriber base to 12m, which means it could steal subscribers from Globe
High mobile penetration means intensified competition
- With around 150%, mobile penetration is already high, and I don’t see that number rising much further
- This means that mobile operators need to sell more to current subscribers or win over subscribers from competitors in order to realize further growth
- The entrant of Dito makes the market more competitive
What are the ways to grow revenue?
- Revenue growth is a key success factor of any business
- Simply put, revenue equals price times quantity
- Therefore, to increase revenue a company must either sell more of its products or increase the price of its products, or some combination of both
- One way to increase quantity is to bring new products to the market, this is what cell phone companies did when the rolled-out fiber optics networks
Investment in mobile payments could pay off big
- Globe bought a 40% stake in Mynt, a fintech firm engaged in mobile payments, and microloans
- Mynt operates with GCash the largest e-wallet in the Philippines
- GCash’s user base and number of merchants is growing exponentially
- In 3Q21, it recorded 51m users, up 10x compared to 2019
- As a comparison, the aggregate of all e-wallet competitors is only 41m
GCash dragged profits in the past but turns now into big driver
- In 2019 and 2020, Globe recognized more than PHP4bn equity loss from its investment in Mynt
- However, in 2Q21, Mynt started to record a profit, and this could grow exponentially
- With a current valuation of PHP$100bn, Mynt is considered Philippine’s largest unicorn that could be ready for IPO in 2022
- I expect the investment in Mynt to be a key long-term profit driver
FVMR Scorecard – Globe Telecom
- A stock’s attractiveness relative to stocks in that country or region
- Attractiveness is based on four elements
- Fundamentals, Valuation, Momentum, and Risk (FVMR)
- Scale from 1 (Best) to 10 (Worst)
Consensus don’t see upside after recent share price rally
- The majority analysts stay with a HOLD, while 4 analysts issued a SELL
- Consensus expects solid single-digit revenue growth for the future
- Also, margins are expected to stay stable
Get financial statements and assumptions in the full report
P&L – Globe Telecom
- After recording more than PHP4bn in losses from its investment in Mynt, it is likely to record a profit in 2021
- Over time, it could evolve to a serious profit contributor
Balance sheet – Globe Telecom
- Heavy CAPEX required to expand network coverage and stay ahead of competitors
- Issuance of long-term debt necessary to fund expansion
- Operating cash flows are not sufficient to fund growth internally yet
Ratios – Globe Telecom
- Dividend payout is high which means it could continue to deliver a solid dividend yield of 3%+
- Leverage significantly increased over time
- Based on its debt covenants, it can not go beyond a debt-to-equity ratio of 3.1x
Long-term share price performance potential
Free cash flow – Globe Telecom
- FCFF in 2021 is likely to end up negative due to an increase in CAPEX
- However, it should be able to deliver positive FCFF again from 2022 onward
Value estimate – Globe Telecom
- Similar to consensus, I expect stable revenue growth over the next few years
- I am a bit more optimistic on margins as I expect the third competitor Dito will not be able to scale fast enough
- Over the long run, I assume Globe to grow in line with population growth, which is around 2%
World Class Benchmarking Scorecard – Globe Telecom
- Identifies a company’s competitive position relative to global peers
- Combined, composite rank of profitability and growth, called “Profitable Growth”
- Scale from 1 (Best) to 10 (Worst)
Key risk is intensified price competition
- Less-than-expected return on CAPEX in a capital-intensive industry
- Overestimation of profit contribution from Mynt investment
- Failure to keep up with technological changes
- The company recognized the potential of broadband to provide solid growth opportunities
- With a potential IPO of its fintech investment Mynt, share price could see another surge
- High ROE could justify slightly expensive valuation
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