Equity Analysis
What Is Risk Assessment?
Risk assessment is an evaluation method used to understand an investor’s risk rating which helps them come up with a suitable investment strategy to achieve their financial goals.
Read Full PostWhat is the Agency Problem?
Within corporate finance, the agency problem is considered as the conflict of interest between the company’s managers and its stockholders.
Read Full PostWhat Is Arbitrage Pricing Theory?
The Arbitrage Pricing Theory is a method used to estimate the returns on assets and portfolios. It is a model based on the linear relationship between an asset’s expected risk and return.
Read Full PostWhat is the Modigliani–Miller Theorem?
The Modigliani-Miller Theorem suggests that a company’s capital structure and the average cost of capital does not have an impact on its overall value.
Read Full PostWhat is the Gordon Growth Model?
The Gordon growth model, or GGM, is used to calculate the intrinsic value of a stock from future dividends. The model only works for companies that pay out dividends, which have a constant growth rate.
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