Formulas & definitions (list)

Explanation of items and the used formulas within the ValueModel
Quick jump to: P&L – Supplemental – BS: Assets – BS: Liabilities
P&L (YE Dec, CNY m)
Profit and loss section of the income statement.
- Revenue
Definition: Revenue is also referred to as Sales. The accumulation of sales of all of the different products and services of a business
Formula: (1 + Revenue growth (%)) x Previous year’s Revenue
Forecast: Forecast by applying a growth rate to prior year’s sales
- Cost of goods & services
Definition: Sum of the costs directly attributable to producing the products for sale
Formula: (1 – Gross profit margin (%)) x Revenue
Forecast: A change in the revenue growth (%) or the gross profit margin (%)
- Gross profit
Definition: The first measure of profit in a business, showing what is left over after all costs directly attributed to making the products have been deducted.
Formula: Revenue – Cost of goods & services
Forecast: A change in the revenue growth (%) or the gross profit margin (%)
- Sales, general & administrative expenses (SG&A)
Definition: Sum of the costs related to marketing and selling products and administering the business apart from COGS
Formula: SG&A/Sales (%) x Revenue
Forecast: SG&A as a percentage of the current year’s Revenue. SG&A-to-Sales ratio is given by dividing the SG&A by Sales, and this ratio from previous years can be a guide.
- Other operating (expense)/income
Definition: Income or expense not related to the company’s core business operations
Formula: Other non-operating inc/(exp) (%) x other non-operating inc/(exp) from previous period
Forecast: A growth rate in other non-operating inc/(exp) compared to the previous period
- Earnings before interest & taxes (EBIT)
Definition: EBIT is profit after deducting all operating expenses (COGS, SG&A and Other operating expenses). It is also referred to as Operating profit
Formula: Gross profit – SG&A – Other operating (expense)/income
Changes in forecast variables that affect Revenue and operating costs
- Interest expenses
Definition: Non-operating expense that represents interest paid on all types of interest-bearing borrowing
Formula: (Interest rate – Paid (%) x Average ending LT debt from current to previous year) + Previous year’s Overdraft & Short-term debt
Forecast: A change in the LT borrowing growth (%), Current portion of LT debt/Total LT debt (%) or Interest rate – Paid (%)
- Interest income
Definition: Interest earned on cash and other investments held at banks
Formula: Interest rate – Earned (%) x Previous year’s Cash & ST investments
Forecast: Adjust the percentage of interest expected to be earned on Cash & ST investments. Forecasting variables that have an impact on the size of Cash & ST investments
- Other non-operating income/(expense)
Definition: Income or expense that is not related to the company’s core business operations
Formula: Other non-operating income/(exp) (%) x Previous year’s Other non-operating income/(expense)
Forecast: By applying a growth rate to prior year’s Other non-operating income/(expense)
- Earnings before taxes (EBT)
Definition: EBT is the money earned by the firm before deducting the tax expenses
Definition: EBIT – Int expenses + Int income + other non-operating income/(expense)
Forecast: Changes in forecast variables that affect interest expense, interest income and other non-operating income/(expense)
- Income tax
Definition: Corporate income tax paid for the period
Formula: Effective tax rate (%) x Earnings before taxes (EBT)
Forecast: A change in corporate income tax due to government policy
- Earnings after taxes (EAT)
Definition: EAT is profit after deducting corporate income tax
Formula: Earnings before taxes (EBT) – Income tax
Forecast: Changes in forecast variables that affect Revenue, expenses and income tax
- Equity income from associates
Definition: Income generated from investments in other companies where the company owns more than 20% of the shares outstanding in that company but less than 50% thus it is without controlling power—associate. If more than 50% is owned, so the company has a controlling interest, the investment is a subsidiary.
Formula: P&L equity income/BS LT investment (%) x Previous year’s LT investments
Forecast: The change in percentage of equity income from associates to LT investment
- Minority interest
Definition: The profit or loss attributable to the minority owners is adjusted in the minority interest. Also known as non-controlling interest, it is the portion of a subsidiary’s stocks that is not owned by the parent company.
Formula: Minority interest/net profit excluding minority interest (%) x (Earnings after taxes (EAT) + Equity income from associates + Foreign exchange gain/(loss) before tax + Exceptional items before tax)
Forecast: A change in P&L equity income/BS LT investment (%)
- Earnings from continuing operations
Definition: Profit that is earned from ongoing and recurring business operations
Formula: Earnings after taxes (EAT) + Equity income from asssociates – Minority interest
Forecast: Any forecast variables that have an affect on the P&L statement as above except the foreign exchange gain/(loss) before tax and Exceptional items before tax
- Foreign exchange gain/(loss) before tax
Definition: Unrealized gain or loss on currency caused by a change in exchange rate before tax deduction
Formula: (1 + Foreign exchange gain/(loss) growth (%)) x Previous year’s Foreign exchange gain/(loss) Forecast: A growth rate of Foreign exchange gain/(loss) growth (%)
- Exceptional items before tax
Definition: Gain or loss that is unpredictable and unlikely to happen again. Also referred to as one-off items or extra ordinary items
Formula: (1 + Exceptional items growth (%)) x Previous year’s Exceptional items
Forecast: Forecast by applying an Exceptional items growth to prior year’s exceptional items
- Net profit
Definition: Showing the final profit that is left to be kept as retained earnings and/or distributed to the owners
Formula: Earnings from continuing operations – Foreign exchange gain/(loss) before tax – Exceptional items before tax
Forecast: Any forecast variables for P&L that will effect on the net profit
Supplemental (YE Dec, CNY m)
The supplemental section is an additional information for P&L statement that focuses on after-tax items.
Operating profit ex depre:
- Operating profit (EBIT)
Definition: EBIT, see P&L above
Formula: P&L Earnings before interest & taxes (EBIT)
Forecast: Changes in forecast variables that affect Revenue and operating costs
- Depre & Amort
Definition: Depreciation and amortization are methods to distribute the cost of an asset throughout the asset’s life. E.g. You buy an asset for 100 and it shuld be linearly depreciated over 10 years. In year 1 the depreciation is 10, in year 2 the depreciation is 10,…,until year 10 when the asset will be fully depreciated and have 0 value in the balance sheet
Formula: Depreciation + Amortization
Forecast: A change in Gross fixed asset growth (%) or Average years assets are depreciated
- Earnings bef int, taxes, depre & amor (EBITDA)
Definition: EBIT + adding back Depreciation and amortization. EBITDA is about measuring the operational performance of the company. It excludes the impact from decisions related to financing, accounting, and tax as the company may not have control over it or it’s not
Formula: Operating profit (EBIT) + Depre & Amort
Forecast: All forecast variables that have an impact on the Revenue, Operating costs and Depre & Amort
Recurring profit calculation:
- Earnings derived from reported FDEPS
Definition: FDEPS = Fully Diluted Earnings Per Share. The Earnings or Net profit is calculated in this way to account for potential share dilution, i.e. the number of outstanding shares have increased. More shares leads to less earnings per share, keeping earnings constant.
Formula: P&L Net profit
Forecast: Any forecast variables for P&L will affect on the net profit same as in P&L statement
- Add: Exceptional items after tax
Definition: See Exceptional items before tax in P&L above. Here it has been adjusted for income tax.
Formula: (-) P&L Exceptional items x (1 – Effective tax rate (%))
Forecast: A change in Effective tax rate (%) or Exceptional items growth (%)
- Recurring profit before forex adjustment
Definition: Profit that is predictable and/or likely to continue, before adjustments related to currency exchange rates
Formula: Earning derived from reported FDEPS + Exceptional items after tax
Forecast: Forecast variables that effect on Net profit, Exceptional items and Effective tax rate (%)
- Add: Foreign exchange loss/(gain) after tax
Definition: The Foreign exchange gain/(loss) from P&L above but adjusted for income tax
Formula: (-) P&L Forex gain/ (loss) before tax x (1 – Effective tax rate (%))
Forecast: A forecast variable that has impact on the Foreign exchange gain/(loss) before tax item in P&L statement, which will be Foreign exchange gain/(loss) growth (%)
- Recurring profit after tax
Definition: Company’s profit after tax that is predictable and/or likely to continue
Formula: Recurring profit before forex adjustment + Foreign exchange gain/(loss) before tax
Forecast: Changes in Effective tax rate or all forecast variables that effect on the items on the supplemental of P&L statement
Balance sheet: Assets (YE Dec, CNY m)
Resources owned by a company which are expected to produce future economic benefits.
- Cash & short-term investments
Definition: The amount of cash the company has in its accounts and short-term investments that are considered very liquid and can quickly be turned into cash
Formula: Cash & short-term investment/sales (%) x Revenue
Forecast: A change in Cash & short-term investment/sales (%)
- Accounts receivable
Definition: The payment amount held by a business for goods or services that clients have not yet paid for, i.e. unpaid invoices that the company has outstanding to its clients
Formula: Receivables collection period (Days)/360 x Revenue
Forecast: A change in Receivables collection period (Days)
- Inventory
Definition: Raw materials and supplies, products that are in production, and finished goods. This part of the company’s assets is expected to be ready or soon be ready to be sold.
Formula: Inventory conversion period (Days)/360 x Cost of goods & services
Forecast: Changes in Inventory conversion period (Days) or Cost of goods & services
- Other current assets
Definition: Other assets that are considered liquid and could be converted into cash within a year
Formula: Other current assets/sales (%) x Revenue
Forecast: Other current assets as a percentage of the current year’s Revenue. Other current assets-to-Sales ratio is given by dividing the Current assets by Sales, and this ratio from previous years can be a guidance.
- Total current assets
Definition: The total value of all liquid assets that can be turned into cash within one year
Formula: Cash & short-term investment + Account receivable + inventory + Other current assets
Forecast: All forecast variables that effect on the current asset items as above
- Long-term investments
Definition: The company’s investments that tend to be held for more than a year, e.g. investments in stocks (can be ownership in associates), bonds, real estate
Formula: Net new long term investment (local currency) + Previous year’s Long-term investment
Forecast: A change in Net new long-term investment (local currency)
- Begin gross fixed assets
Definition: Gross fixed assets from previous year
Formula: Previous year’s Gross fixed assets
- Capital expenditures (CAPEX)
Definition: Funds used to invest in new projects, buy or upgrade physical assets, e.g. property, plants, and equipment.
Formula: It will automatically adjust the value in the model and highlight it in black
Forecast: It will automatically adjust the value in the model and it highlighted in black. But a change in Gross fixed asset (%) will effect on this item
- Other fixed asset changes
Definition: Other changes in fixed assets that is not CAPEX
Formula: It will automatically adjust the value in the model and it highlighted in black
Forecast: –
- Net change in gross fixed assets
Definition: Sum of CAPEX and Other fixed asset changes
Formula: Capital expenditures (CAPEX) – Other fixed asset changes
Forecast: Automatically calculate with changes in Capital expenditures (CAPEX) or Other fixed asset changes
- Gross fixed assets
Definition: The ending value of gross fixed assets before Depreciation
Formula: Begin gross fixed asset – Net change in gross fixed assets
Forecast: A change in Gross fixed asset growth (%)
- Begin accumulated depreciation
Definition: Beginning accumulated depreciation is the net accumulated depreciation from previous years. E.g. You buy an asset for 100 and it should be linearly depreciated over 10 years. In year 1 the depreciation is 10, in year 2 the depreciation is 10, if we now are in Year 3 the beginning accumulated depreciation is Year 1 depreciation + Year 2 depreciation = 20
Formula: Previous year’s Accumulated depreciation
Forecast: –
- Add: Depreciation charge
Definition: The depreciation charge for all assets that should be depreciated for the current year
Formula: Average Current year’s Gross fixed asset and Previous year’s Gross fixed asset/Average years assets are depreciated
Forecast: A change in Average years assets are depreciated
- Other changes in accumulated depreciation
Definition: Other changes in accumulated depreciation
Formula: It will automatically adjust the value in the model and it highlighted in black
Forecast: –
- Accumulated depreciation
Definition: Depreciation charges cumulated over the years for assets that are in use (still on the balance sheet) in the company
Formula: Begin accumulated depreciation + Depreciation charge + Other changes in accumulated depreciation
Forecast: Changes in Gross fixed asset growth (%) or Average years assets are depreciated
- Begin assets under construction
Definition: Ending assets under construction from previous year
Formula: Previous year’s Asset under contruction
Forecast: –
- Net change
Definition: Sum of changes in assets under construction during the current year
Formula: Growth in asset under construction (%) x Begin Assets under construction
Forecast: A change in Growth in assets under construction (%)
- Assets under construction
Definition: Tangible assets that are not yet finished, e.g. buildings or equipment that takes a longer time to build
Formula: Begin assets under construction + Net change
Forecast: A change in Growth assets under construction (%) compare to the Begin assets under construction
- Fixed assets
Definition: Long-term tangible assets that are not expected to be consumed or converted into cash for at least one year. The assets the company uses to produce its income.
Formula: Gross fixed assets – Accumulated depreciation – Assets under construction
Forecast: Changes in any forecast variables that impact on the assets
- Begin net intangible assets
Definition: Ending intangible assets from the previous year
Formula: Previous year’s Intangible assets
Forecast: –
- Increase/(Decrease) in intangible assets
Definition: A change of intangible asset value from the previous year
Formula: New intangible assets/Beg intangible assets (%) x Begin net intangible assets
Forecast: Forecast by applying new intangible assets/beg intangible assets (%) to prior year’s intangible assets
- Less: Amortization charge
Definition: The amortization for all intangible assets for the current year
Formula: Intangible assets utilization (Years) x Begin net intangible assets
Forecast: Changes in the intangible asset utilisation (Years)
- Intangible assets
Definition: An asset that is not physical in nature, including intellectual property, patents, trademarks, and copyrights
Formula: Begin net intangible assets + increase/(Decrease) in intangible assets – Amortization charge
Forecast: Any forecast variables that effect on Intangible assets
- Begin net goodwill
Definition: Ending goodwill from the previous year
Formula: Previous year’s Goodwill
Forecast: –
- Increase/(Decrease)
Definition: Sum of changes in goodwill during the current year
Formula: Growth in goodwill (%) x Begin net goodwill
Forecast: Change in a Growth in goodwill (%)
- Goodwill
Definition: Sum of changes in goodwill during the current year
Formula: Begin net goodwill + Increase/(Decrease)
Forecast: All forecast variables that impact on the value of Goodwill
- Other long-term assets
Definition: Other assets that are not classified as investments, property, plant, equipment, or intangible assets, e.g. bond issue costs, long-term prepayments, prepaid pension costs
Formula: Other asset growth (%) x Previous year’s Other long-term assets
Forecast: Forecast by applying a Other asset growth (%) to prior year’s other assets
- Total assets
Definition: The total amount of asset that owned by a company including current, long-term asset, intangible asset, goodwill and others
Formula: Total current assets + Long-term investments + Fixed assets + Intangible assets + Goodwill + Other assets
Forecast: Changes in Current Assets, Long-term investment, Fixed asset, Intangible assets, Goodwill and Other Asset
Balance sheet: Liabilities (YE Dec, CNY m)
Obligations of a company to outside parties resulting from business or financing activities.
- Overdrafts & short-term debt
Definition: An account made up of any debt incurred by a company that is due within one year
Formula: It will automatically adjust the value in the model with auto cash balance which hidden in forecast section
Forecast: –
- Current portion of long-term debt
Definition: The amount of long-term debt that is due within one year
Formula: Current portion of LT debt/Total LT debt (%) x Ending Long-term debt
Forecast: A change in percentage of current portion of LT debt to Total LT debt
- Accounts payable
Definition: This account is the amount of money owned by the company to its suppliers. This happens when the company buys on credit, i.e. the supplier has an invoice outstanding to the company
Formula: Payable deferral period (Days)/360 x Cost of goods and services
Forecast: Changes in either Cost of goods and services or Payable deferral period (Days)
- Other current liabilities
Definition: Any other liabilities incurred by a company that are due within one year
Formula: Other current liabilities/sales (%) x Revenue
Forecast: Forecast by applying Other current liabilities/sales (%) to sale for Current Revenue
- Total current liabilities
Definition: Total amount of liabilities that are due within one year
Formula: Overdrafts & short-term debt + Current portion of long-term debt + Account payable + Other current liabilities
Forecast: Any forecast variables that impact on current liabilities as above
- Begin long-term debt
Definition: Ending long-term debt from previous year
Formula: Previous year’s Ending LT debt
Forecast: –
- Increase/(Dec) in long-term debt
Definition: Increase/decrease amount in long-term debt during the year. For example: Increase can be a new bank loan or a new bond issuance. Decrease can be repayment of a bank loan.
Formula: Long-term borrowing growth(%) x (Previous year’s Current portion of Long-term debt + Previous year’s Long-term debt minus current portion of LT debt )
Forecast: Changes in the Long-term borrowing growth (%) or Current portion of LT debt/Total LT dent (%)
- Other items
Definition: Sum of uncategorized items
Formula: It will automatically adjust the value in the model and it highlighted in black
Forecast: –
- Ending long-term debt
Definition: The sum of liabilities which are not going to be paid off within a year and usually used to finance different types of longer term investments
Formula: Begin long-term debt + Increse/(Dec) in long-term debt + Other items
Forecast: Same forecast variables that impact on the long-term debt
- Less: Current portion of long-term debt
Definition: The portion of long-term debt that needs to be paid within one year
Formula: Current portion of long-term debt
Forecast: –
- Long-term debt minus current portion of LT debt
Definition: After deducting current portion of long-term debt, the leftover is available to be paid over next year
Formula: Ending LT debt – Current portion of LT debt
Forecast: Applying Current portion of LT debt/Total LT Debt (%)
- Other long-term liabilities
Definition: Other liabilities which are not going to be paid off within a year
Formula: Other non-current liabilities growth (%) x Previous year’s Other non-current liabilities
Forecast: A change in Other non-current liabilities growth (%)
- Total liabilities
Definition: Total amonunt of the company’s financial debt or obligations to be paid to creditors
Formula: Total current liabilities + LT debt minus current portion of LT debt + Other LT liabilities
Forecast: All forecast variables that effect on liabilities
Balance sheet: Equity (YE Dec, CNY m)
Specific information related to the firm’s shares.
- Minority interest
Definition: Also known as non-controlling interest. This is the portion of a subsidiary’s stocks that is not owned by the parent company.
Formula: Previous year’s BS Minority interest – Current P&L Minority interest
Forecast: A change in Minority interest/net profit excluding minority interest (%)
- Paid-up capital – Common shares
Definition: Money the company received from shareholders in exchange for common shares
Formula: Par value x (Ending shares/1 (Share divider))
Forecast: A change in Current year’s Par value or the shares outstanding
- Share premium – Common shares
Definition: The paid-up capital exceeding the par value of common shares
Formula: New shares x (Avg. price shares were sold/bought that year (currency) – Par value)
Forecast: Changes in either the Avg. price shares were sold/bought that year in local currency or the shares outstanding
- Paid-up capital – Preferred shares
Definition: Money the company received from shareholders in exchange for preferred shares
Formula: Par value x (Ending shares/1 (Share divider))
Forecast: A change in Current year’s Par value or the shares outstanding
- Share premium – Preferred shares
Definition: The paid-up capital exceeding the par value of preferred shares
Formula: New shares x (Avg. price shares were sold/bought that year (currency) – Par value)
Forecast: Changes in either the Avg. price shares were sold/bought that year in local currency or the shares outstanding
- Warrants
Definition: Derivatives that give its owner the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a security (most often a share in the company) at a certain price before the warrants’ expiration
Formula: (Warrant growth (%) x Previous year’s Warrant) + Previous year’s Warrant
Forecast: A change in Warrant growth (%)
- Total paid-up capital
Definition: Total amount of money that a company has received from shareholders in exchange for shares of stock
Formula: Paid-up capital – Common shares + Paid-up capital – Preferred shares + Share premium – Common shares + Share premium – Preferred share + Warrants
Forecast: Any forecast variables that impact on the shares price or the numbers of shares
- Beginning retained earnings
Definition: Retained earnings (see below) from previous year
Formula: Previous year’s Retained earnings
Forecast: –
- Add: Net profit
Definition: See Net profit in P&L
Formula: Net profit
Forecast: Any forecast variables for P&L items
- Accrued dividend – Common shares
Definition: Dividend that is already booked but not yet paid out to common shareholders
Formula: (Dividend per share x Average common shares)/1 (Share divider)
Forecast: Change in Average common shares or Stock dividend – Common shares (%outstanding)
- Accrued dividend – Preferred shares
Definition: Dividend that is already booked but not yet paid out to preferred shareholders
Formula: (Dividend per share x Average preferred shares) / 1 (Share divider)
Forecast: Change in Average preferred shares or Stock dividend – Preferred shares (%outstanding)
- Adjustments
Definition: Catches all account for any uncategorized items
Formula: –
Forecast: –
- Retained earnings
Definition: Portion of net profit that is not paid out as dividends, but retained by the company for future investments in the business
Formula: Beginning retained earnings + Net profit + Accrued dividends + Adjustments
Forecast: Any forecast variables that impact on the net profit or a company’s dividend policy e.g. dividend payout ratio (%) and Stock dividend (% outstanding)
- Unrealized investment gain/(loss)
Definition: Amount of gain or loss from investments that has not yet been realized. For example, if the company’s accounting standards are to book to market value at the end of the year and they have bought a share in another company for 100. If the share by the end of the year trades at 90, the company will have an unrealized investment loss of 10
Formula: (1 + Unrealized investment gain/(loss) growth(%))x Previous year’s Unrealized investment gain/(loss)
Forecast: A change in Unrealized investment gain/(loss) growth (%)
- Revaluation/Foreign exchange/Others
Definition: Revaluation is when company reappraise its assets (normally fixed-assets), e.g. lands, building. It’ll book the gain or revaluation to equity
Formula: (1 + Revaluation/forex/others growth (%)) x Previous year’s Unrealized investment gain/(loss) Forecast: A change in Revaluation/forex/others growth (%)
- Total shareholders’ equity
Definition: Total amount of both current and long-term liabilities plus total shareholders’ equity Formula: Total paid-up capital + share premium + warrant) + (Retrained earnings + Unrealized investment gain/(loss) + Revaluation/Forex/Others)
Forecast: All forecast variables that effect on Shareholders’ equity except Minority interest
- Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity
Definition: Total amount of both current and long-term liabilities plus total shareholders’ equity
Formula: Total liabilities + Total shareholders’ equity
Forecast: Any forecast variables that changes any items on the Total shareholders’ equity or Total liabilities
110. Check: This must equal zero
Definition: Model feature that controls so the balance sheet balances
Formula: Total Asset – Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity
Forecast: –
Supplemental (YE Dec)
Additional information on the shareholder’s equity statement
Share detail (m):
- Outstanding common shares
Definition: Total number of common shares outstanding
Formula: Ending shares (Common shares)
Forecast: A change in numbers of shares can effect on the common shares outstanding
- Outstanding preferred shares
Definition: Total numbers of preferred shares outstanding
Formula: Ending shares (Preferred shares)
Forecast: A change in numbers of shares can effect on the preferred shares outstanding
- Total shares
Definition: Total numbers of common and preferred shares outstanding
Formula: Outstanding common shares + Outstanding preferred shares
Forecast: Changes in either common or preferred shares outstanding
- Simple average
Definition: Average of total shares outstanding the current year and last year
Formula: Total average shares
Forecast: Changes in either common or preferred shares outstanding
- Fully diluted shares
Definition: The total number of shares that would be outstanding if all derivatives (e.g. warrants and stock options) or other instruments that can be converted in to shares were exercised
Formula: Fully diluted weighted average shares
Remarks: A change in share outstanding or average shares would effect on the fully diluted weighted average shares
Per share data (CNY)
- Reported earnings per share (EPS)
Definition: The reported portion of company’s profit that is allocated to each common stock
Formula: Reported net profit/Total shares outstanding
Forecast: Changes in Total shares outstanding or Net profit
- Reported fully diluted EPS (FDEPS)
Definition: The reported portion of company’s profit that is allocated to each common stock using Fully diluted shares
Formula: Unadjusted par value/ Current year’s Par value (local currency) / (1+ Stock dividend Common shares (%))
Forecast: Forecast by various variables such ash Stock dividend – Common shares (%), Par Value (local currency)
- Earnings per share (EPS)
Definition: The portion of company’s profit that is allocated to each common stock
Formula: Net profit/Total average shares (m)
Forecast: Changes in Net profit or numbers of shares outstanding
- Recurring FDEPS bef forex adj
Definition: The portion of company’s recurring profit that is allocated to each common stock using Fully diluted shares before adjusting for exchange rate impact
Formula: Recurring profit before forex adjustment / (fully diluted weighted average shares/1 (Share divider))
Forecast: Changes in Recurring profit before forex adjustment or Fully diluted weighted average shares
- Recurring FDEPS
Definition: The portion of company’s recurring profit that is allocated to each common stock using Fully diluted shares
Formula: Recurring profit after tax / ((fully diluted weighted average shares/1 (Share divider))
Forecast: Changes in recurring profit after tax or Fully diluted weighted average shares
- Dividend per share (DPS)
Definition: The amount of cash dividend the shareholders receive for each share they own
Formula: If Recurring FDEPS is zero, then uses Dividend payout ratio – Common shares (%) x Recurring FDEPS bef forex adj, if not then Dividend payout ratio common shares (%) x Recurring FDEPS
Forecast: Changes in Dividend payout ratio – Common shares (%), the value of Recurring FDEPS or Recurring FDEPS bef forex adj
- Dividend per share – Pref shares
Definition: The amount of cash dividend the shareholders receive for each preferred share they own
Formula: If Recurring FDEPS is zero, then uses Dividend payout ratio – Preferred shares (%) x Recurring FDEPS bef forex adj, if not then Dividend payout ratio preferred shares (%) x Recurring FDEPS
Forecast: Changes in Dividend payout ratio – Prefered shares (%), the value of Recurring FDEPS or Recurring FDEPS bef forex adj
- Book value per share (BVPS)
Definition: Total value of common shareholders’ equity per share
Formula: Total shareholders’ equity / (Total shareholders’ equity/1 (Share divider))
Forecast: Change in Total shareholder’s equity
Cash flow (YE Dec, CNY m)
Cash flows resulting from previous items.
- Net profit
Definition: Net profit, see P&L
Formula: P&L Net profit
Forecast: Any forecast variables for P&L
- Depreciation
Definition: Depreciation, see P&L Supplemental
Formula: BS Depreciation charge
Forecast: A change in Gross fixed asset growth (%) or Average years assets are depreciated
- Amortization
Definition: Amortization, see P&L Supplemental
Formula: BS Amortization charge
Forecast: A change in New intangible assets/Beg intangible assets (%) or Intangible asset utilisation (Years)
- (Increase)/Decrease in the net working capital
Definition: Change in the sum of all current assets minus current liabilities in a business, showing the short-term liquidity of a business
Formula: (Previous year’s Account receivable, Inventory and Other current assets – Current year’s Account receivable, Inventory and Other current assets) + (Current year’s in Account payable and Other current liabilities – Previous year’s in Account payable and Other current liabilities)
Forecast: All forecast variables that effect on the net working capital. See all items in the formula
- Other non-cash items
Definition: Other items that are not cash such as a check, draft
Formula: Total change in Revaluation/Foreign exchange/Others – Increase/Decrease in goodwill + Total change in unrealized investment gain/(loss) – Equity income from associates
Forecast: See all items in the formula
- Operating cash flow
Definition: The amount of cash generated by a company’s normal business operation
Formula: Net profit + Depreciation + Amortization + (Increase)/Decrease in net working capital + Other con-cash items
Forecast: Changes in all forecast variables that impact on the business operating activities
- Capital expenditures (CAPEX)
Definition: CAPEX, see Balance Sheet above
Formula: Net change in gross fixed asset – Net change
Forecast: A change in the gross fixed asset growth (%) or Asset under contruction (%)
- (Increase)/Decrease of long-term investments
Definition: Changes in long-term investments, see Balance Sheet above
Formula: Net new long term investment – Increase/decrease in goodwill
Forecast: Change in Growth in goodwill (%) or Net new long term investment (local currency)
- Other investments
Definition: Catch all account for any uncategorized items
Formula: Current year’s Other long-term assets – Previous year’s Other long-term assets – Increase/(Decrease) in intangible assets
Forecast: Any forecast variables that impact on Intangible assets or Other long-term assets
- Investing cash flow
Definition: The amount of cash the company received from or used to finance its investments
Formula: Capital expenditures (CAPEX) + (Increase)/Decrease of long-term investments + Other investments
Forecast: All forecast variables that impact on the CAPEX, (Increase)/Decrease of long-term investments or Other Investments
- Increase/(Decrease) in short-term debt
Definition: Change in the amount of short-term debt from last period
Formula: Overdrafts & short-term debt – Previous year’s Overdrafts & short-term debt
Forecast: It is automatically adjust in the model
- Increase/(Decrease) in long-term debt
Definition: Change in the amount of long-term debt from last period
Formula: Long-term debt minus current portion of LT debt + Current portion of long-term debt – Previous year’s Long-term debt minus current portion of LT debt – Previous year’s current portion of long-term debt
Forecast: All forecast variables that effect the long-term debt
- Dividends paid
Definition: Total cash used to pay dividends to shareholders
Formula: Accrued dividend – Common shares + Accrued dividend – Preferred shares
Forecast: Changes in either Accrued dividend – Common shares or Accrued dividend – Preferred shares
- Change in equity
Definition: Change in value of equity, e.g if a company raises capital through a new share issuance
Formula: (Current year’s Paid-up capital – Common shares + Share premium – Common shares + Paid-up capital – Preferred shares + Share premium preferred shares + warrants) – (Previous year’s Paid-up capital – Common shares + Share premium – Common shares + Paid-up capital – Preferred shares + Share premium preferred shares + warrants)
Forecast: Any forecast variables that will effect on the equity value and shares outstanding
- Others
Definition: Catches all accounts for uncategorized financing items
Formula: Minority interest – Previous year’s Minority interest + (Other LT liabilities – Previous year’s Other LT liabilities)
Forecast: –
- Financing cash flow
Definition: Cash that the company uses to finance both operating and investing activities either by debt or equity
Formula: Increase/(Decrease) in short-term debt + Increase/(decrease) in long-term debt + Dividends paid + Change in equity + Others
Forecast: Any change in short-term debt, long-term debt, Dividends paid or Change in equity
- Net inc/(dec) in cash and cash equivalents
Definition: Net changes in liquid asset such as cash and other assets that can quickly be turned into cash
Formula: Operating cash flow + Investing cash flow + Financing cash flow
Forecast: All forecast variables that effect on the items on Operating cash flow, Investing cash flow and Financing cash flow
- Beginning cash
Definition: Cash left in the firm from last year
Formula: Previous year’s Ending cash
- Adjustment for historic data
Definition: Adjustments in the model to deal with differences in historical data
Formula: It will automatically adjust the value in the model and highlight it in black
- Ending cash
Definition: The amoung of cash the company has after operating, investing and financing activities
Formula: Net inc/(dec) in cash and cash equivalents + Adjustment for historic data + Ending cash
Forecast: Changes in any cash outflow or inflow for Cash flow statement
- Check: This must equal zero
Definition: Model feature to check Cash flow statement
Formula: Ending cash – Cash & short-term investment
Forecast variables: Profit & loss:
- Revenue growth (%)
Definition: Growth in the company’s sales from previous year
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated growth in %
- Gross profit margin (%)
Definition: Margin that shows how much profit the company makes after production costs, indicating the pricing or cost control strategy
Formula: (Revenue – Cost of goods and services) / Revenue
Forecast: Plug in your estimated margin in %
- SG&A/sales (%)
Definition: SG&A-to-sales ratio. Shows how much SG&A the company pays for each 100 in Sales
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated ratio in %
- Other operating income/(exp) growth (%)
Definition: See P&L
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated growth in %
- EBIT margin (%)
Definition: Percentage of operating profit to revenue, also it can measure a company’s pricing strategy and operating efficiency
Formula: Earnings before interest and taxes(EBIT)/Revenue
Forecast: This is a model output based on your forecasted input variables above
- Interest rate – Paid (%)
Definition: Average interest rate paid on all interest-bearing debt
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated percentage (%)
- Interest rate – Earned (%)
Definition: Interest rate earned by held cash in the bank account or invest in other ST investment
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated percentage (%)
- Other non-operating income/(exp) growth (%)
Definition: See P&L
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated ratio in %
- Effective tax rate (%)
Definition: Average tax rate paid
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated percentage (%)
- Earnings after tax (EAT) margin (%)
Definition: Margin that shows the company’s profit after tax
Formula: Earnings after tax(EAT)/Revenue
Forecast: This is a model output based on your forecasted input variables above
- P&L equity income/BS LT investments (%)
Definition: See P&L and Balance sheet for definitions. Ratio shows how much equity income the company generates from 100 in long-term investments
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated ratio in %
- Foreign exchange gain/(loss) growth
Definition: See P&L
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated growth in %
- Exceptional item growth
Definition: See P&L
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated growth in %
- Net margin (%)
Definition: The amount of net profit returned as percentage of revenue
Formula: Net profit/Revenue
Forecast: This is a model output based on your forecasted input variables above
- Net profit growth (%)
Definition: Growth in net profit that is left for its owners compared to last period of time
Formula: (Net profit / Net profit from previous period – 1) x 100
Forecast: This is a model output based on your forecasted input variables above
- Minority interest/net profit excluding minority interest (%)
Definition: See P&L and Balance sheet for definitions. Ratio is used to estimate the income/expense resulting from minority interest in the P&L
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated ratio in %
Forecast variables: Assets
- Cash & short-term investment/sales (%)
Definition: See Balance sheet. Ratio shows how much the company keeps in cash from every 100 in sales
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated ratio in %
- Receivables collection period (days)
Definition: Number of days it takes for a business to receive payments from its customers paying on credit
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in numbers of days
- Inventory conversion period (days)
Definition: How many days it takes for the company to produce a product, from it orders the raw material until it’s sold
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in numbers of days
- Other current assets/sales (%)
Definition: See Balance sheet.
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated ratio in %
- Net new long term investment (CNY m)
Definition: Net amount (i.e. sum of additions and disposals) of long-term investment. Value in reported currency
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in new long term investment in local currency
- Long-term investment growth (%)
Definition: Changes in long-term investments calculated by the model
Formula: –
Forecast: This is non-forecast item but a change in net new long-term investment will effect on the long-term investment growth (%)
- Gross fixed asset growth (%)
Definition: See Balance sheet.
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated growth in %
- Average year assets are depreciated
Definition: Average numbers of years assets are depreciated over
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in numbers of years
- Growth in assets under construction (%)
Definition: See Balance sheet
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated growth in %
- Intangible asset utilization (Years)
Definition: Average numbers of years until an intangible asset is fully depreciated
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in numbers of years
- New intangible assets/Beg intangible assets (%)
Definition: See Balance sheet
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated ratio in %
- Growth in goodwill (%)
Definition: See Balance sheet
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated growth in %
- Other asset growth (%)
Definition: See Balance sheet
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated growth in %
- Total asset growth (%)
Definition: Changes in the total assets from previous year calculated by the model
Formula: (Total assets – Previous year’s Total assets) / Previous year’s Total assets x 100
Forecast: This is a model output based on your forecasted input variables above
- Revenue per CNY100 of assets
Definition: The ratio is known as Asset turnover or Asset utilization and measures the efficiency of a company: How much revenue is generated for every 100 in assets. Calculated by the model
Formula: Revenue/Average total assets
Forecast: This is a model output based on your forecasted input variables above
- Return on assets (%)
Definition: How much net profit that is generated for every 100 in assets. Return on assets measures the profitability of a company and doesn’t take capital structure into account. Calculated by the model
Formula: Net income/Total assets
Forecast: This is a model output based on your forecasted input variables above
Forecast variables: Liabilities
- Current portion of LT debt/Total LT debt (%)
Definition: See Balance sheet
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated ratio in %
- Payables deferral period (days)
Definition: Average number of days it takes for the company to pay its suppliers when the company has purchased on credit
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in numbers of days
- Other current liabilities/sales (%)
Definition: See Balance sheet
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated ratio in %
- Long-term borrowing growth (%)
Definition: See Balance sheet
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated growth in %
- Other non-current liabilities growth (%)
Definition: See Balance sheet
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in your estimated growth in %
- BS minority int/total equity + minority interests
Definition: See Balance sheet
Formula: (Minority interest / Net profit + Minority interest) x 100
Forecast: Non-forecast item
Forecast variables: Shares
Common shares:
- Par value (CNY)
Definition: Par value is mainly for legal purposes and is usually tiny. It represents a minimum amount that stockholders’ equity can’t drop below and was originally designed as a protection for creditors.
Formula: –
Forecast: A stock split will have impact on the Par value (local currency)
- Beginning shares (m)
Definition: Number of outstanding commons shares as of previous year end
Formula: –
Forecast: This is non-forecast item.
- Add: New shares (m)
Definition: An increase/decrease in number of common shares outstanding resulting from issuing new shares or buying back shares
Formula: –
Forecast: Change in the numbers of new shares issued by a company
- Avg. price shares were sold/bought that year (CNY)
Definition: Ending number of common shares outstanding including new shares and stock dividend
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in the average price shares were sold/bought that year in local currency
- Ending shares (m)
Definition: A dividend payment made in form of additional common shares
Formula: –
Forecast: This is non-forecast item. But a change in Par value or the shares outstanding could effect on the ending shares
- Average shares (m)
Definition: Average amount of common shares
Formula: –
Forecast: This is non-forecast item. But a change in the numbers of shares outstanding could have an impact
Preferred shares:
- Par value (CNY)
Definition: Shares held by shareholders with special rights (e.g. fixed dividend, higher claim on asset, no voting rights)
Formula: –
Forecast: –
- Beginning shares (m)
Definition: Par value is mainly for legal purposes and is usually tiny. It represents a minimum amount that stockholders’ equity can’t drop below and was originally designed as a protection for creditors.
Formula: –
Forecast: This is non-forecast item. But a change in Previous year’s Par value or the shares outstanding could effect on the beginning shares
- Add: New shares (m)
Definition: New shares issued by a company
Formula: –
Forecast: Changes in the numbers of new shares issued by a company
- Avg. price shares were sold/bought that year (CNY)
Definition: An increase/decrease in number of preferred shares outstanding resulting from issuing new shares or buying back shares
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in the average price shares were sold/bought that year in local currency
- Ending shares (m)
Definition: A dividend payment made in form of additional preferred shares
Formula: –
Forecast: This is non-forecast item. But a change in Par value or the shares outstanding could effect on the ending shares
- Average shares (m)
Definition: Ending number of preferred shares outstanding including new shares and stock dividend
Formula: –
Forecast: This is non-forecast item. But a change in the numbers of shares outstanding could have an impact
- Total average shares (m)
Definition: Average of current year’s and previous year’s number of preferred shares outstanding
Formula: –
Forecast: Changes in Total average shares
- Fully diluted weighted average shares
Definition: Total average shares outstanding of common and preferred shares
Formula: –
Forecast: Changes in either Par value or Total average shares
- Fully diluted multiplier
Definition: See Balance sheet. Weighted average takes into consideration any changes in the number of outstanding shares over the reporting period
Formula: –
- Warrant growth (%)
Definition: A growth of derivative instrument called warrant that issued by a company
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in the growth rate (%)
- Dividend payout ratio – Common shares (%)
Definition: The portion of dividends paid to common shareholders as a percentage of net income
Formula: –
Forecast: Applying the growth rate of prior’s Dividend payout ratio – Common shares (%) or changes in company’s dividend policy
- Dividend payout ratio – Preferred shares (%)
Definition: The amount of dividends paid to preferred shareholders relative to the amount of net income
Formula: –
Forecast: Applying the growth rate of prior’s Dividend payout ratio – Preferred shares (%) or changes in company’s dividend policy
- Stock dividend – Common shares (% outstanding)
Definition: The numbers of stocks paid for dividend relative to common shares outstanding
Formula: –
Forecast: Applying the growth rate of prior’s Stock dividend – Common shares (%outstanding) or changes in company’s dividend payment policy
- Stock dividend – Preferred shares (% outstanding)
Definition: The numbers of stocks paid for dividend relative to preferred shares outstanding
Formula: –
Forecast: Applying the growth rate of prior’s Stock dividend – Preferred shares (%outstanding) or changes in company’s dividend payment policy
- Unrealized investment gain/(loss) growth (%)
Definition: Increases or decreases in the value of an asset that has not been sold
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in growth rate in percentage (%)
- Revaluation/forex/others growth (%)
Definition: See Balance sheet
Formula: –
Forecast: Plug in growth rate in percentage (%)
- Return on equity (ROE) (%)
Definition: How much net profit that is generated for every 100 in Equity. Return on equity (ROE) measures the profitability of a company. ROE differs from return on assets as the capital structure of the company is considered. For example, increased leverage increases ROE, all else equal. Calculated by the model
Formula: Net income/Total shareholders’ equity
Forecast: This is a model output based on your forecasted input variables above
- Recurring ROE including forex gain/(loss) (%)
Definition: Uses recurring profit before forex adjustment instead of net profit to calculate ROE
Formula: Recurring profit before forex adjustment/Total shareholders’ equity
Forecast: This is a model output based on your forecasted input variables above
- Recurring ROE (%)
Definition: Uses recurring profit instead of net profit to calculate ROE
Formula: Recurring profit after tax/Total shareholders’equity
Forecast: This is a model output based on your forecasted input variables above
- Invested capital
Definition: Invested capital includes total debt, equity & minorities and non-operating cash and investments
Formula: Invested capital = total debt + equity & minorities + non-operating cash and investments; Total debt = overdrafts & short-term debt + current portion of long-term debt + lon-term debt minus current portion of long-term debt; Equity & minorities = total shareholders’ equity + minority interest; Non-operating cash and investments = cash and short-term investments + long-term investments;