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Has Tencent Become a Private Equity Fund?


Has Tencent become a private equity fund?

A powerful ecosystem that spans across various industries

Tencent’s products and services helped shape China’s digital ecosystem

  • The giant Chinese tech company offers products and services across many sectors
  • For instance, the so-called Super App, WeChat has become an indispensable part of daily life for many Chinese citizen

Tencent’s revenue mainly comes from China, with a total of RMB609bn (US$84bn) in 2023

Value-added services represent almost half of Tencent’s revenues

Around 60% of VAS revenues come from games

Tencent secured its global presence by serving the needs of its customers

  • The world’s 24th most valuable company
  • One of the top 10 global cloud service providers in 2024
  • Ranked the biggest public video game company by revenue in 2023 by Newzoo

Tencent has tapped into 1bn Chinese internet users

  • WeChat – ranked the most used social media platform in China
  • Honor of Kings game – ranked the highest played game in China

WeChat and QQ users are among the largest in the world

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Interesting facts about Wechat

  • From a 2016 analysis, its 889m monthly active users spent an average of 50+ minutes and about 10 separate times/day
  • This is the same as the “combined time” users spend daily across all Meta apps such as Instagram, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, etc.

Tencent is facing tough competition from 4 established competitors

Tencent China – Founded 1998

Comm. Services sector, 105,417 employees, US$84bn revenue

Main segments/products

  • WeChat
  • Tencent Games
  • Tencent Video

Its competitive advantage

Competitive advantage through scaling diverse digital services, gaming dominance, and strategic investments.

How it achieved its competitive advantage

By creating a powerful ecosystem that spans across various industries such as gaming, social media, e-commerce, entertainment, and more. This ecosystem helped the company dominate the market.

Built on innovative mass market products

Since 2011 has been expanding through acquisitions

Is the company financially world class?

I use my World Class Benchmarking scorecard to measure if a company has a competitive advantage

I developed this scorecard ten years ago; here’s how we construct it

  • My team gathers the yearly and quarterly financial data of 26,000 companies worldwide
  • We then calculate each company’s Profitable Growth score
    • Which is a composite measure of both profitability and growth

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I use my FVMR methodology to determine the attractiveness of the company

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