Careers in Finance with Erik Budiman

Erik Budiman is a Director and Co-Founder of IndoSterling Citra Corpora (‘iRadar’), an Investor Relations/Pre & Post IPO advisory practice assisting Indonesia-listed companies by providing a full range of investor relations services such as investor targeting & marketing (sell-side analyst engagement & institutional investors’ outreach), investor days (conferences & roadshows), assisting with the development of IR infrastructure (website, calendar) and provision of up to date market intelligence (weekly resource catalyst price index, shareholder analysis).
Some of the valuable insights Erik shared:
- The financial world is big and there are various routes that you can take when venturing into in the capital markets.
- Research analysts are the backbone of an investment bank; they are like the chef in a restaurant. But they cannot exist if no one is selling the food.
- Being a research analyst is a good field to provide newbies with a good foundation if they want to succeed in the capital markets.
- To be good in Investor Relations, you need to possess very strong financial analytical skills, good communication skills, networking skills, and very good pitching skills.
The Valuation Master Class is an on-demand online course that trains attendees to become company valuation experts. Graduates can confidently value any company and possess the in-demand industry skills needed to succeed as investment bankers, asset managers, equity analysts, or value investors.
Click here to learn more about Valuation Master Class Foundation.
The Valuation Master Class Boot Camp presents the Valuation Master Class Foundation material in a 6-week guided online course format. Daily live sessions, teamwork, progress tracking, and the intensive nature help guide attendees to completion. The final company valuation project and presentation is tangible evidence of the attendee’s practical valuation experience and dedication to building a career in finance.
Click here to learn more about the Boot Camp.