Gain Confidence in Forecasting and Valuation

Valuation Master Class Live is the leading valuation training workshop for aspiring students and young professionals.
Prior attendees say they gained four key things:
- First, they learned PRACTICAL skills for equity valuation, because we focus on real valuations, not theory.
- Second, they gained CONFIDENCE in their valuations, because they learned the mistakes to avoid.
- Third, they increased their PRODUCTIVITY, by using my valuation model and applying my tips and tricks.
- Fourth, they learned how to become a valuation expert and make a bigger IMPACT, after learning what really matters in valuation.
Let’s talk about point number two: Confidence.
In the Valuation Master Class Live, you will discover best practices, shortcuts, and insider techniques to maximize efficiency in your daily process.
One of my prior students, Poyang Hsu, said: “Valuation Master Class Live gave me a step-by-step method for valuation from an expert which gave me the confidence to do real valuations.”
Confidence is key.
Let me tell you a story about a time in my career when I went to the US to pitch to fund managers a big report I had written. In one office, four fund managers lined up on one side of the table with me on the other. After only a few minutes into my presentation, one of them shouted, “Wait! You have an error in this report!” Sure enough, he was right; there was a small error.
But because I was confident in my overall valuations and models my reply stopped him in his tracks. I said, “you are right, I will fix that tonight, but that mistake does not change my buy argument for that stock and the sector overall.” My confidence allowed me to stop his argument and get back to my message.
So how do you gain confidence in your ability to value companies? You value lots of companies!
I will teach you the tools and tricks I use with forecasting, running sensitivities, and with valuation assumptions to overcome real-world valuation challenges. By using my tools, you will build confidence in your ability to tackle difficult valuations.
By the time students graduate from the Valuation Master Class, they will have valued more than ten times the number of companies that a typical analyst values over their FIRST FEW YEARS!
The Valuation Master Class is an on-demand online course that trains attendees to become company valuation experts. Graduates can confidently value any company and possess the in-demand industry skills needed to succeed as investment bankers, asset managers, equity analysts, or value investors.
Click here to learn more about Valuation Master Class Foundation.
The Valuation Master Class Boot Camp presents the Valuation Master Class Foundation material in a 6-week guided online course format. Daily live sessions, teamwork, progress tracking, and the intensive nature help guide attendees to completion. The final company valuation project and presentation is tangible evidence of the attendee’s practical valuation experience and dedication to building a career in finance.