Equity Analysis
What Is Return On Assets?
The return on assets focuses on how profitable a company is in relation to its total assets. The ratio is always presented in the form of a percentage.
Read Full PostWhat Is Asset Turnover Ratio?
The asset turnover ratio is used to measure the efficiency of a company. It looks at how efficiently a company uses its assets to produce sales.
Read Full PostWhat Is Net Profit Margin?
The net profit margin is a financial ratio that tells you how much profit a company makes compared to its revenue in the form of a percentage.
Read Full PostWhat Is Du Pont Analysis?
The Du Pont analysis was created by the Du Pont corporation and is similar to the Return on Equity (ROE) but more accurate.
Read Full PostWhat Is Return On Equity?
ROE is another method to measure the profitability of a company. The ROE divides the net income of a company with the shareholder’s equity.
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