Student Essay
Analyzing Liquidity Using Cash Conversion Cycle
Regardless of how profitable a company is, if the business is unable to generate cash to cover its creditors, the company will run the risk of bankruptcy and collapse.
Read Full PostCurrency Hedging Strategies for Companies
Invested Capital Growth is one of the most important forecasts in firm valuation.
Read Full PostThe Significance of Invested Capital Growth
Invested Capital Growth is one of the most important forecasts in firm valuation.
Read Full PostIssues faced when valuing a declining company
When used to value a declining company, analysts will face special challenges as the characteristics of a declining company will cause some of the valuation model’s assumptions to break down.
Read Full PostInvestment in Commodities
Commodities are alternative investments. They can provide significant benefits to the portfolio’s diversification as well as inflation protection. They can also be used to trade based on the macroeconomic view of traders, such as arbitrageurs or speculators.
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